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GS1 Year in Review

In 2024, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first scan of the barcode—an innovation that revolutionised commerce and is now scanned more than 10 billion times each day.

Looking ahead, we are embracing the future with next-generation, two-dimensional (2D) barcodes. In healthcare, the GS1 DataMatrix, already in use across more than 70 countries, enhances patient safety by ensuring the traceability of medical products. In retail, leading companies are supporting the transition to QR Codes powered by GS1, transforming the shopping experience and providing instant access to vital product information, making informed choices easier for everyone. We also support a sustainable global economy, as GS1 contributes to the implementation of the Digital Product Passports initiative in Europe.

In today's digital and AI-driven world, GS1 standards enable the exchange of accurate product information through services like Verified by GS1, building trust among stakeholders and supporting regulatory compliance.

As we look to the future, we are committed to leading digital and sustainable transformation. The 50th anniversary milestone reflects the commitment of our industry partners, members, and global GS1 staff to driving innovation and collaboration, using trusted data standards and solutions to benefit consumers, patients, and society. Together, we are shaping a world where trusted technology serves the greater good.

Message from Chair, Mark Batenic and our CEO, Renaud de Barbuat

Chair, Mark Batenic and CEO, Renaud de Barbuat

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2023/24 key achievements

50 years of GS1

Global campaign reaches over 1 billion people worldwide

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the first barcode scan, more than 60 GS1 Member Organisations united for a global PR and media campaign. The campaign achieved remarkable reach, engaging over 1 billion people and securing coverage in over 1,000 publications including the Associated Press, Bild, CBS News, Forbes, Herald Sun, Rai 1, The Wall Street Journal and many more.

GS1 joint statement

Global industry leaders advocate for adopting QR Codes with GS1 standards

Over 20 leading retail and consumer goods companies have signed a Global Joint Statement urging manufacturers and retailers to transition to QR Codes with GS1 standards on product packages, enhancing consumer engagement with powerful digital experiences.


Next generation barcodes.
One scan. Infinite possibilities.

QR Codes powered by GS1 are transforming the shopping experience in retail environments, making it easy for consumers to access essential product information. By simply scanning a QR Code powered by GS1 with a smartphone, consumers can instantly view product details such as ingredients, allergens, recipes, promotions, product origin, recycling guidance, re-ordering options, and more.


75 of the largest marketplaces are engaged with 46 GS1 Member Organisations

Every day, over 22 leading marketplaces verify millions of GTINs provided by sellers through Verified by GS1.

online shopper

Explore 4 new item identification standards to streamline categorisation and improve marketplace accuracy

  • Bundles
  • Non-branded items
  • Non-new items
  • Groups of related items
online shopping

Apple/Google call to action

GS1 Healthcare called on these two major tech companies to enable access to digital content on healthcare products by natively scanning the GS1 DataMatrix with a mobile device. This resulted in one of our most engaged and commented campaigns on LinkedIn and, more importantly, resulted in both companies replying to our call to action by engaging in discussion with GS1 Healthcare or by joining a working group composed of industry representatives, healthcare providers and GS1 Member Organisations to tackle this game-changing project.

Data Matrix

Apple/Google call to action

GS1 Healthcare called on these two major tech companies to enable access to digital content on healthcare products by natively scanning the GS1 DataMatrix with a mobile device. This resulted in one of our most engaged and commented campaigns on LinkedIn and, more importantly, resulted in both companies replying to our call to action by engaging in discussion with GS1 Healthcare or by joining a working group composed of industry representatives, healthcare providers and GS1 Member Organisations to tackle this game-changing project.

GS1 hospitals

Engaging with clinical systems solution providers

Aligned with the GS1 Healthcare’s strategic ambition to further integrate GS1 standards into clinical systems, we have strengthened our collaboration with solution providers. To further support the adoption of GS1 standards in hospitals, we’ve created an interactive platform called the ‘GS1 Hospital’. This allows users to explore the specificities of both clinical and non-clinical processes within a hospital setting, demonstrating how GS1 standards fit and are a key enabler of patient safety and care efficiency.

medical technology

Emerging technologies in healthcare

As part of GS1 Healthcare's strategy to stay ahead in the evolving landscape, we have begun exploring emerging technologies. We have established a working group to determine the role of GS1 standards in personalised medicine and are proactively assessing future healthcare needs. Using a defined methodology, we continue to identify and evaluate other emerging technologies that may be relevant to GS1 standards.

Public Policy

Introducing the new GS1 Global Public Policy strategy

Approved by the 2024 General Assembly, the GS1 Global Public Policy strategy outlines key priorities and next steps.

digital product passport
Public Policy

Digital Product Passports and the circular business model gain momentum across sectors globally

The European market leads the way, with Digital Product Passports set to go live by 2027. The EU regulation references global open standards and ISO/IEC 15459

Public Policy

EUIPO is now connected to the GS1 registries

The European Union Intellectual Property Office becomes the first European public agency to connect to Verified by GS1.

Global Events

Collaborating to prepare the future

Each year, GS1 hosts global events that unite industry leaders and communities to learn about GS1 standards and their implementations, share best practices and connect with a diverse network of professionals. Major events include GS1 Industry & Standards event (Sept), GS1 Healthcare Conference (Nov), GS1 Global Forum (Feb), GS1 Standards Week (April) and the GS1 General Assembly. These events are a mix of virtual and hybrid formats.

Verified by GS1
Verified by GS1

Verified by GS1 enabled a seamless transition from GEPIR, automating product verification for over 90% of globally licensed GS1 numbers

  • More than 11 million licences and 540 million GTINs uploaded, accessible through 107 GS1 Member Organisations worldwide
  • 236 million GTIN queries on average per month this past year. 7.8 million daily/90 per second

See how GS1 can make a difference for you. Each GS1 Member Organisation offers local resources and support.

Contact GS1 around the world

Available in over 118 GS1 Member Organisations globally

Case studies

Coca-Cola’s reusable, refillable bottles benefit from innovative QR Codes powered by GS1

Coca-Cola’s reusable, refillable bottles benefit from innovative QR Codes powered by GS1

Jeju SamDaSoo mineral water aiming for “top” levels of efficiency and sustainability

Jeju SamDaSoo mineral water aiming for “top” levels of efficiency and sustainability

Japan – Using GS1 standards to trace surgical and dental instruments

Japan – Using GS1 standards to trace surgical and dental instruments

GS1 Global governance

GS1 Management Board

Meet the leaders on this Board >

GS1 GDSN Board

Meet the leaders on this Board >

GS1 Innovation Board and EPCglobal Board of Governors

Meet the leaders on this Board >

GS1 Global leadership team

GS1 Global Leadership team (from left to right): Robert Beideman - Chief Product Officer; Marianne Timmons - President Community Engagement; Stéphanie van Rossum - Head of Marketing; Renaud de Barbuat - President & Chief Executive Officer; Romanie Dendooven – General Counsel; Robyn Burke - Vice President Human Resources and Bart Adam - Chief Financial and Administration Officer

Culture and values

The shared values and behaviours that inspire us and define the way we work together.

The DNA graphic represents the core of GS1’s culture, centered on five key values: inspirational leadership, trust and integrity, teamwork and collaboration, a passion for results, and innovation. It showcases how our diverse global team, with its unique talents and backgrounds, unites to positively impact the communities we serve.

Global Office financial performance

Global revenues

GS1 Member Organisations (MOs) around the world are funded by their local members through annual membership fees and sales of services. MO revenues for calendar year (CY) 2022, as measured in local currency, increased by +4.5% vs. 2021. All regions show positive growth (see chart “Growth CY2022 vs. CY2021”). When measured in euros, the growth was positively impacted by exchange rate fluctuations and amounted to +4.8%.

Revenue distribution

We have been facing historically high inflation on our costs, not only in payroll but also in discretionary and fixed and recurring expenses. This impacted FY 2021-22 results and continued to impact us in FY 2022-23. We have also been impacted by adverse exchange rates, as the US Dollar strengthened significantly versus the Euro; one EUR was worth one USD as from the end of FY 2021-22 and remained in similar range in the first half FY 2022-23.

Revenue evolution

GS1 Global Office (GS1 GO) main revenues are the membership fees from its Member Organisations. These fees are calculated based on the revenues of the MOs during the previous calendar year (CY). GS1 GO revenues for the FY 2022-23, including MO fees based on the MO revenues in CY 2021, amounted to €38.4M, an increase of €2.9M or +8.3% versus the year before. The 2023-24 budget foresees an increase in GS1 GO revenues of €1.1M reaching €39.5M, which reflects the growth in MO revenues in CY 2022, among others

Income statement and headcount

For 2022-23, GS1 Global Office shows a negative result of €1.8M compared to the budgeted loss of €4.3M, a positive variance of €2.5M. Higher revenues (net of bad debts) contribute €0.9M; mostly from higher MO revenues than budgeted and new members from the healthcare sector. Operating expenses are €1.6M lower than budgeted. Cost savings were achieved by a diligent management of our expenses. Despite important negative impact from the exceptionally high inflation and the adverse USD/EUR exchange rates, operating expenses increased only by €0.3M or 0.7%, versus the year before.

Both GS1 Central Office base business and GS1 GDSN Inc. ended the year better than their 2022-23 budget commitments.

As planned, after 3 years of investments in our digital transformation, funded by GO reserves and loans from a group of Member Organisations, our 3-year plan for 2023-2026 foresees that GO will operate with a reduced budget, compatible with the forecasted revenues of the federation and the repayment of the loans granted by some MOs. FY 2023-24 is a pivotal year where the GO will focus on our core business and on deployment programmes. Consequently, the 2023-24 budget, as approved by the General Assembly in May 2023, forecasts a break-even budget, with a positive net cash of €11K.

In terms of expense categories, our main investment remains our people, representing 62% of our operating expenses, with 111 staff members at the end of June 2023. The 2023-24 budget plans for a Global Office headcount of 106 positions, in line with our planning.

Global revenues

GS1 Member Organisations (MOs) around the world are funded by their local members through annual membership fees and sales of services. MO revenues for calendar year (CY) 2022, as measured in local currency, increased by +4.5% vs. 2021. All regions show positive growth (see chart “Growth CY2022 vs. CY2021”). When measured in euros, the growth was positively impacted by exchange rate fluctuations and amounted to +4.8%.

Revenue distribution

We have been facing historically high inflation on our costs, not only in payroll but also in discretionary and fixed and recurring expenses. This impacted FY 2021-22 results and continued to impact us in FY 2022-23. We have also been impacted by adverse exchange rates, as the US Dollar strengthened significantly versus the Euro; one EUR was worth one USD as from the end of FY 2021-22 and remained in similar range in the first half FY 2022-23.

Revenue evolution

GS1 Global Office (GS1 GO) main revenues are the membership fees from its Member Organisations. These fees are calculated based on the revenues of the MOs during the previous calendar year (CY). GS1 GO revenues for the FY 2022-23, including MO fees based on the MO revenues in CY 2021, amounted to €38.4M, an increase of €2.9M or +8.3% versus the year before. The 2023-24 budget foresees an increase in GS1 GO revenues of €1.1M reaching €39.5M, which reflects the growth in MO revenues in CY 2022, among others

Income statement and headcount

For 2022-23, GS1 Global Office shows a negative result of €1.8M compared to the budgeted loss of €4.3M, a positive variance of €2.5M. Higher revenues (net of bad debts) contribute €0.9M; mostly from higher MO revenues than budgeted and new members from the healthcare sector. Operating expenses are €1.6M lower than budgeted. Cost savings were achieved by a diligent management of our expenses. Despite important negative impact from the exceptionally high inflation and the adverse USD/EUR exchange rates, operating expenses increased only by €0.3M or 0.7%, versus the year before.

Both GS1 Central Office base business and GS1 GDSN Inc. ended the year better than their 2022-23 budget commitments.

As planned, after 3 years of investments in our digital transformation, funded by GO reserves and loans from a group of Member Organisations, our 3-year plan for 2023-2026 foresees that GO will operate with a reduced budget, compatible with the forecasted revenues of the federation and the repayment of the loans granted by some MOs. FY 2023-24 is a pivotal year where the GO will focus on our core business and on deployment programmes. Consequently, the 2023-24 budget, as approved by the General Assembly in May 2023, forecasts a break-even budget, with a positive net cash of €11K.

In terms of expense categories, our main investment remains our people, representing 62% of our operating expenses, with 111 staff members at the end of June 2023. The 2023-24 budget plans for a Global Office headcount of 106 positions, in line with our planning.

My passion for GS1 stems from the incredible leaders I've had the privilege to meet who have inspired me with their dedication. GS1 is making a significant impact on businesses and lives worldwide, uniting us in seeing one vision, speaking one voice, and acting as one organisation.

Timothy P. Smucker

Timothy P. Smucker

Chairman Emeritus, The J.M. Smucker Company;
Chair Emeritus, GS1 Management Board

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